Saturday, Sept. 02, 2006 - 3:43 p.m.

I thought I was shy, then I went to town.

To a certain degree I believe the universe requires balance. This theory tends to fail any basic testing, especially when applied to anything more significant than my little life. But work with me here, okay?

I�ve been very, very good. For a very long time. I�ve been kind to old people and shop assistants, a veritable joy around the office, I�ve been happily making the extra effort to be quietly helpful to my fellow human beings. I�ve tried very hard to ensure Spaceboy gets through this with some dignity.

I had thought the universe had redressed this by a couple of incidents of road rage in the last couple of weeks. I know my car well, and its ability to brake in a couple of metres; but that probably doesn�t justify nearly mowing down a pedestrian (Don�t. Cross. On. My. Green) and driving rather hard directly at the passenger door of a car that dared to queue across the yellow box.

The universe, however, is an exacting mistress, and demanded more of me. Much, much more. So I�ve been bad. Really quite bad. Not causing-the-violent-deaths-of-children bad, I�ve really not been so good as to justify that kind of recompense. But who knew I�d do that, eh? Who knew I had the confidence? A bit like opening a can and finding the worms all wore party hats.

But the universe is served, I�m smiling quite a bit and there�s a something of a bounce in my step today.


back - fore

Stuff what is good and makes me happy: - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Not really an update. - Monday, Jan. 22, 2007
Don't know when I'll be back again. - Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006
- - Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006
The drugs don't work. - Monday, Oct. 23, 2006

self-indulgence for all
