Sunday, Oct. 15, 2006 - 9:14 p.m.


What is it that we do for our friends when they need? When the need to have the pain removed cannot be made real?

We bear witness. We show they are seen and heard. We turn up. We walk beside them. We are there when they didn�t ask. Over and over.

I don�t think of myself as particularly empathic, but my tears and my still turning gut tell another story.

How could this have happened to you? How could this have happened at all?

back - fore

Stuff what is good and makes me happy: - Saturday, Dec. 20, 2008
Not really an update. - Monday, Jan. 22, 2007
Don't know when I'll be back again. - Sunday, Dec. 10, 2006
- - Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2006
The drugs don't work. - Monday, Oct. 23, 2006

self-indulgence for all
